Monday, August 4, 2014

Everyday is a first day

As I prepared myself and the boys for their first day of school the conversation and emotions ran in many directions.  One part made me think of you and one of our recent conversations, sister.

With the high schooler sitting up front for the car ride still adjusting the contents of his bag and the middle schooler in the back buckled up as tall and tight as he could manage I thought of the many words we shared in the ride to and from school last year.  Teenage boys carry more than sweaty sports clothes and vibrating cell phones.  They carry the determination to rise through the relationships they encounter, both pleasing and uncomfortable.

You and I know what it is like to make it through the day with people who have disappointed us or hurt us still marching inside our path.  Going to school is no different than the rest of the world where animosity and cruelness thrive.  People who have caused us pain are often in places you and I want to go, even if it isn’t History class. 

We all have to be intentional about who we are, what we say and how we think about everyone.  We will cross tracks with people who don’t stir up positive thoughts.  The truth to remember, I told them, is that with every negative thought or glance you create you are weaving those threads as part of who you are.  You will never damage them as much as your own hearts when you dwell on negative words or thoughts toward someone you don’t enjoy seeing.  Be in control of you, be steadfast in how you think and control yourself, choosing who you weave yourself to be, I said. 

When I drove away I prayed.  I am excited for all they can learn and experience this year.  They can develop friendships, memories and themselves.  I am sad for their disappointments, the moments they’ll be hurt or given bad influence.  I prayed for their continuous discernment as much as their safety.  When I got home I read a verse that jumped out at me.

May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to You, O Lord, My Rock and My Redeemer.  Psalm 19:14

Every day is a first day of some kind.  Today I’m grateful for these words in Psalm to reassure me this effort has been long fought.  As someone else living to be the best version of you that you can intentionally be, I thought you might delight in our first day words today.

Love you.

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